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Curriculum Overview

Below is the overview of the whole curriculum and the topics being delivered across the school. For more details about each of the topics and what your children will be learning about, please visit the Curriculum Details section where you will find topic overviews for each topic. Please note these documents will be added each half-term by the teachers, so you can keep up with what your children are learning.


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Marvellous Me!

Terrific Tales

Ticket to ride

Amazing Animals

A summer’s day

Fun at the seaside

Year 1

All about me


Remembering the past

Space – the aliens have landed

Spring/ Superheroes

How does your garden grow?

Different habitats

Year 2


Fire Fire


Castles and Dragons

Bury St Edmunds and the UK

The seaside

Year 3

Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age


Ancient Egypt

Comparing civilizations

Rainforests and Deserts

Our Ocean

Year 4

Ancient Greeks

Mountains and Erosion

Explorers and Map making

Roman invasion

Invasion and Kingdoms

Settlements and Migration

Year 5

Vikings and Normans

Local Study – Magna Carta

Natural Disasters

Emergency Planet Earth!

Shang Dynasty

Invention and Inventors Pt1

Year 6

Fighting for Freedom Pt1

World War/End of Empire

Tourism, Trade and its impact

Fighting for Freedom Pt2

Incredible India

Invention and Inventors Pt2