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School Council

We have two school councils working across the school, the main school council and the eco-council. The latter is run by Mrs Atwell and have a focus on all the school can do to help the environment and raise awareness of issues related to sustainability and climate.

The main school council is led by the pupil Governor, Henry Petchey and Mr Matthews and is assisted by a deputy and the four elected house captains. These posts are elected at the start of the year and run all year. They are joined each term by class representatives who are elected termly.

School Council for Autumn 2024

Statement of current work from the Pupil Governor:

Initial work of the school council this year has been to:

  • Discuss ways of improving lunchtime provision for children, as a result of this the school has put sports coaches, outdoor regulation stations, more games available in place. We have also suggested new clubs for next term, such as cooking club and different sports clubs.
  • Recently we have been discussing with children how the sports coach should be used and whether year groups have to work with them or if that is optional.
  • The regulation stations outdoors have now been set up and running.
  • We have also discussed the desire of the children to have a school pet, and after some discussion about how best to look after school pets we have decided to get a school fish tank. The location of where this will go is still being discussed by the council. One popular suggestion is in the library.
  • We have also discussed the fact that there will soon be new food waste bins in the school and for children to be good at putting breaktime food waste in the correct bin.
  • Some feedback was provided by school council members about the lunchtime experience of children. It was fed back that children didn’t like the wooden cutlery used sometimes, and asked that more metal ones be used. They also requested a drying up cloth to be left by the trays so children can dry some that are still wet from the dishwasher. Mr Matthews has discussed this with the kitchens and new cutlery has been ordered and towels will be provided soon.
  • We asked for some feedback from class councils about the new lunchtime awards for classes and this seems to be popular, with only a few negative comments about too many children shushing other children, bragging and accusations from other children when you don’t win.
  • Classes also discussed the need for a worry box and a celebration box for each class.
  • The final thing that class councils discussed was ways to raise money for new things in school and some ideas such as a sponsored silence and a book sale were suggested.
  • Mr Matthews has also asked us to investigate whether children are getting enough oracy opportunities in lessons and the children’s feelings about the new science scheme. These investigations will be starting soon.
  • We will also be investigating other aspects of school life as they arise.