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English Curriculum

We aim to link as much of our English work as we can to the topics that the children will be learning about. This enables the rich vocabulary, sentences structures and author's intentions, that they will have been exposed to in those subjects to get a chance to be used in their English writing. This will not always be possible or helpful for every genre that the children will encounter, so some aspects of English will be delivered discretely from the topics being taught. Wherever helpful, the children's learning in grammar and punctuation will be linked to genres - giving them chance to put their learning into practice, so no learning is delivered without an opportunity for it to be used in writing for a real purpose.

We believe that reading - and a love of reading - is at the core of what we deliver as a school. We take every opportunity to celebrate books, and expose the children to a high quality range of well-chosen books throughout their journey in school. This is why our reading spine is being developed alongside the new topics being delivered, allowing rich texts to support vocabulary growth and deeper levels of comprehension through cross-pollination of knowledge and ideas.

We also recognise the importance of developing fluency throughout the school. Our Little Wandle Phonics scheme initiates this by matching well-chosen decodable texts to appropriate weeks when the children encounter new phonemes. Further up the school, the children are encouraged to enjoy a wide range of reading materials, where at least one book is easily decodable, allowing them to further develop high levels of fluency and prosody. Alongside this the children should be encouraged to read a mixture of fiction and non-fiction books that match their level of maturity. To aid this, our library for KS2 pupils has organised its fiction books into four areas, based not solely on text complexity, but also on appropriate maturity to fully appreciate the text.

National curriculum for English click on the link below