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Art & Design

Early Years

Art is fundamental to learning in the Early Years (Reception classes). Both the indoor classrooms and outdoor area include provision for painting, drawing, chalking, making and designing. 

Every day we provide opportunities for adult led and child led creative activities, linked to the story or theme for that week or to an idea that has come from the children’s own interests. Both classrooms have a permanent making area which is always incredibly popular. Here the children can make anything they wish.  There is paint and playdough constantly available as well as numerous other mediums from clay to pastels available regularly.

In Years 1-6

At Guildhall Feoffment we follow the Suffolk scheme of work “Art and Design in Suffolk” comprising six half-termly units of work for each year group.  The units are based on the areas of experience of Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Collage, Textiles and 3D.  It is planned to ensure progression and continuity of learning experiences from Year 1 to Year 6.  

Many of these units are linked or adapted to fit with a current topic or to a particular artist being studied.  Art and design is frequently linked and taught through other subjects too, such as creating a 3D model of a river valley or an Egyptian mask in history.  

Extra Curricular Art